Saturday, January 8, 2011

gnat appreciates german culture

apologies in advance for the poor photo quality in today's post - i gave my camera carmine II a break in favor of iphone photos, mistake!

my friends and classmates andrew and andrew are organizers of a student group called the beer appreciation club (BAC), with which i have attended many exciting beer related events. the other night i received the following email:

"Did you know that there is a direct correlation between German beer and being good at science? That's why there are so many medical eponyms named after Germans, like Alzheimer's disease and Wegener's granulomatosis. If you want to be good at science too, you should join us for delicious Teutonic food and drink at GERMAN APPRECIATION NIGHT"

because i am a lover of both science and beer, i hastily RSVP'd yes and last night headed out towards lincoln square to the chicago brauhaus - a venue chosen specifically because it offers beer in glass boots, or "bierstiefeln."

whether passing a giant boot of beer around without letting it touch the table is actually german tradition or just passed off as such by the movie beerfest i honestly do not know.

we were expecting a bar but actually found ourselves in a bavarian lodge type restaurant, replete with long tables of rowdy patrons, a live band, and adorable old guys showing off their sweet moves on the dance floor. we ate traditional (read: stereotypical) german food:

i recognized exactly zero of the varieties of beer offered, but ended up with kostritzer black bier that i really enjoyed (served in what i've only just now discovered isn't technically called a "stein" unless it's made of stoneware. thanks, wikipedia.)

whether or not this field trip has made me better at science is uncertain, but thanks to the BAC and the chicago brauhaus (including the german "microneighborhood," or really the block of north lincoln avenue on which is located) i am feeling more appreciative of german culture here in chicago.

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