Sunday, September 12, 2010

gnat settles (back) in

here's a sampling of the things i've done since being back:

for my first dinner upon returning, i had a meal that (kinda) encompassed two chicago staples, courtesy of potash brothers market around the corner. (microwave) deep dish pizza and old style beer. old style is evidently a midwest thing and is big in chicago. upon googling it a few moments ago, i discovered that it is brewed by pabst brewing company. whether it's a step above or a step below PBR, i can't decide.

i procured carmine II from best buy down the street. their rationale is that it was more cost effective for geek squad to replace him than to try to fix him. RIP, carmine I.

i found PRODUCE!!! well, actually cara did while i was out of town. we went to stanley's produce market, which houses a cornucopia of fresh, beautiful, and (most importantly) cheap fruits and veggies. we are now the proud owners of a fridge full of happy green things.

and of course, red things. i still have no clue whether i'll be able to find these guys, the availability of which are a major factor in my happiness quotient, in a few months. i guess only time will tell.

we got a couch! and it is EXACTLY the same color as our walls. and our floors. and the rest of our furniture. remedying this situation with color accents is next up on my to-do list.

also on my to-do list are acquiring a kitchen table and chairs, more vigorous job hunting, and continuing my epic, now two month long battle with the wireless router. as of right now, we are tethered to within four feet of the ethernet jack. if you have any technologically savvy friends in the chicago area, please PLEASE send them my way.

gnat out.

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