Thursday, August 19, 2010

gnat channels chicago from the other side of the country

so, i'm still in california, shall we say, indefinitely.

tomorrow i'll be making the cross-state trek from my parents' house to LA (does it still count as cross-state if you're going north/south? sounds strange to me.) for probably the 29586th time, but i suppose i'll be doing it with a renewed sense of vigor as it will be the first time in six years that i am a visitor to southern california rather than a resident.

i guess travel channel is in the middle of a man vs. food marathon, and i happened to turn it on during an episode featuring chicago foods. ok fine, i watched several episodes and one about chicago finally came on. anyway, adam richman is currently stuffing his face with "the meaty legend" at gino's east a few blocks from my apartment.

a few moments ago he was at al's beef, where he got his italian beef sandwich DIPPED. i, of course, tried al's beef for the first time a few weeks ago, but my sandwich sampling trio failed to notice that we could get our sandwiches DIPPED.

total fail. now i have to go back.

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